Grant awarded to LGBTQ alumni to increase engagement

Fulbright Prism is thrilled to share the U.S. Department of State recently awarded a team of LGBTQ Fulbright Program alumni the Citizen Diplomacy Action Fund (CDAF) Grant for their project “2021 LGBTQ Fulbrighter Engagement Campaign.” The small grant program awards funds to US-government sponsored exchange alumni teams exhibiting “a commitment to bolstering democratic principles,” including fostering an alumni network.

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The team will collaborate with Fulbright Prism to conduct a three-pronged engagement campaign this year. It is comprised of Prism volunteers Tim Sensenig (lead), Michaela Gill (co-lead), Lara Steinike (co-lead), Christopher CurranOscar HurtadoRubi Flores, and Aleksandar Kajmakoski

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Monthly Programming

Aleksandar Kajmakoski is currently building a calendar of monthly events for the year. Email Aleks if you have ideas for themes, speakers, or you would like to present on a topic. The first event should take place at the end of March and will populate in the Prism events calendar when registration is open. Honoraria are available.

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Christopher Curran is seeking guests for the team’s upcoming podcasts examining nonbinary identities and the queer immigrant experience. To participate or to refer an interviewee, click below.

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The team’s most ambitious project, a two-day virtual conference, is set for later in 2021. This project is in the developing stages. If you have event ideas, speaker suggestions, or more, email the team! Honoraria are available.

Support the team

The CDAF grant funds cover only a portion of the speaker fees, equipment, and software the team requires to successfully carry out this engagement campaign. Please consider donating to the team’s cost share with Fulbright Prism today. All contributions are tax deductible in the United States.

Images courtesy of Canva.

Fulbright Prism