First Name
Last Name
Preferred English Pronouns
Year and country of your grant (if applicable).
On a scale of 1 to 5, how much personal resiliency is required for a LGBTQ Fulbrigher to live happily in your host country?
1-Almost no resiliency required
5-Extreme resiliency required
Community Resources
What kind of social events, entertainment, general community engagement (bars, festivals, cafes, bookstores) exist in your community?
Political Resources
How queer- and trans-friendly is your community? This is more narrative, but if you know of any specific news articles or political/social groups, please include them.
Legal Resources
Are there any particular laws you are aware of that are accepting or discriminatory? Are there any legal resources specifically for LGBTQ persons?
Housing Resources
What resources did you find helpful in finding housing? Do you know of any that are LGBTQ-focused?
Health Resources
What medical resources exist for LGBTQ persons in your community (i.e. special clinics, testing, treatment, pharmacies, etc.)?
Pop Culture Resources
What LGBTQ pop culture resources could you recommend (i.e. podcasts, novels/literature, famous movies, musical artists, etc.)
Language Resources/Notes
Are trans/non-binary people included in your communities’ language? If so, how? Do you have any recommendations on how to include trans/gender-nonbinary people into conversations in your host language?
Race/Ethnicity-Specific Resources
Are there resources that are particularly relevant to QPOC?
Religion/Spirituality Resources
Are there resources relevant to people of faith?
Other Resources or Advice
Comments or Anything Else You Want to Share