Social events, entertainment, bars, festivals, cafes, bookstores, etc.
CSD Berlin, CSD München, Hamburg Pride/CSD, Other Pride Events
LSVD events are happening nationwide, check local chapter
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transidentität und Intersexualität
Political/Social Environment
Resources assessing queer- and trans-friendliness in your country
Germany legalized same-sex marriage in 2017
Laws that are accepting or discriminatory and legal resources specifically for LGBTQ persons
LSVD - Lesbian and Gay Association gives free legal advice and has experience with queer migrants and refugees. LSVD Berlin is particularly helpful.
Housing (not specifically LGBTQ-focused, but can filter for that)
Darna Immobilien, Queer Real Estate Agency (possibly Berlin specific)
Queer Housing *Insert City* (on Facebook)
Medical resources for LGBTQ persons in your community (special clinics, testing, treatment, pharmacies, etc.)
Deutsche Aidshilfe - Anonymous and often free HIV and STI testing. “Call or make someone call beforehand to make an appointment if you’re getting checked in a Gesundheitsamt. If you choose to go to a doctor, your results won’t be anonymous and will go into a file, but if you’re insured, costs may be covered. Since 2018, HIV home testing is legal in Germany: The AIDS-Hilfe sells the tests online, pharmacies and drug stores sell them, too. Price point: 10–15 Euros (same in some Gesundheitsämter).” (Fulbrighter ‘18–‘19)
Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft HIV- und Hepatitis-Kompetenter Apotheken e.V.
Podcasts, literature, movies, music, etc.
How to include trans/gender-nonbinary people in conversations in your country’s language(s)
“Sadly from what I know, people are not using they/them pronouns in German - however, one friend uses all pronouns (sie/sie/ihr - she/her, er/ihn/ihm - he/him) in German interchangeably. That's all I know for right now...” (‘19-’20 Fulbrighter)
Race & Ethnicity
Have something to add? Contact us!
Religion & Spirituality
Keshet Germany - A German Jewish LGBTQ+ organization (welcome video)