
Political/Social Environment

Resources assessing queer- and trans-friendliness in your country


Laws that are accepting or discriminatory and legal resources specifically for LGBTQ persons



Medical resources for LGBTQ persons in your community (special clinics, testing, treatment, pharmacies, etc.)

  • Deutsche Aidshilfe - Anonymous and often free HIV and STI testing. “Call or make someone call beforehand to make an appointment if you’re getting checked in a Gesundheitsamt. If you choose to go to a doctor, your results won’t be anonymous and will go into a file, but if you’re insured, costs may be covered. Since 2018, HIV home testing is legal in Germany: The AIDS-Hilfe sells the tests online, pharmacies and drug stores sell them, too. Price point: 10–15 Euros (same in some Gesundheitsämter).” (Fulbrighter ‘18–‘19)

  • Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft HIV- und Hepatitis-Kompetenter Apotheken e.V.


Podcasts, literature, movies, music, etc.


How to include trans/gender-nonbinary people in conversations in your country’s language(s)

  • Queer Lexikon

  • NDR Kommentar von Anne Wizorek

  • “Sadly from what I know, people are not using they/them pronouns in German - however, one friend uses all pronouns (sie/sie/ihr - she/her, er/ihn/ihm - he/him) in German interchangeably. That's all I know for right now...” (‘19-’20 Fulbrighter)

Race & Ethnicity

Religion & Spirituality