

Social events, entertainment, bars, festivals, cafes, bookstores, etc.

  • Gay Community News

  • Sporting Pride- Committed to making sport a more inclusive and diverse environment for members of the LGBTQ community and, in doing so, promoting the positive benefits of fitness and exercise to one’s physical and mental health and well-being. By supporting established LGBTQ sports clubs across the country, and working with government and National Governing Bodies to develop LGBTQ inclusive programmes for every sports club in Ireland, we hope to continue breaking down barriers, increasing participation rates and making the sport a more inclusive and welcoming place for the LGBTQ community at all levels.

  • Pride Festivals

    • Dublin Pride Festival- As an organization they have grown beyond their parade and now operate all year round supporting and advocating for LGBTQ people,  running monthly community events and, since 2019, running a Winter Pride Festival.

    • Galway: Galway Community Pride- Held every year in mid-August, Galway Community Pride is a vibrant organisation based in the heart of Galway City who are responsible for the organisation and execution of LGBTQ Pride in Galway city and county. Each year a new group of people come on board to organize a weeklong festival of events ranging from educational nights to mental health information evenings. They aim to create a week where people can openly and safely share their identities, share their stories and celebrate who they are.

    • Limerick: Limerick Pride- Held every year in early July, Limerick has a thriving LGBTQ community working together and with other organizations to progress gay rights and culture in the city and county. The highlight of the year is the annual Limerick LGBTQ Pride Festival. For LGBTQ residents of Limerick, this is an amazing occasion as everyone walks with Pride up O’Connell Street accompanied by their loved ones, family and friends as the lovely people of Limerick cheer from the sidelines.

  • University Groups

    • Cork: UCC LGBT Staff Network- Works in partnership with management and staff of University College Cork to create a safe, inclusive and diverse working environment that encourages a culture of respect and equality for everyone regardless of their sexual orientation, in order that every individual can reach their full potential without fear of discrimination. 

    • Dublin: UCD LGBT Staff Network- Provides information to staff on UCD support services and how to show a commitment to LGBT equality; enables staff to discuss the role and function of an LGBTQ network; explores how the university can best respond to the support needs of LGBTQ staff.

    • Northern Ireland: Queens PRISM LGBT Staff Network- Queen’s University Belfast LGBT+ staff network, providing a safe, inclusive, and welcoming space for LGBTQ staff in Queens to regularly meet during working hours to discuss LGBTQ issues and work matters, in addition to planning social events both on and off campus.  The network is open to all members of staff who identify as part of the LGBTQ community, with monthly planning meetings on Friday afternoons and more informal lunchtime get-togethers, enabling LGBTQ staff to unite both professionally and socially.

    • Galway: NUI Galway LGBTQ+ Staff Network- LGBTQ staff network that is open to all staff members of NUI Galway who are interested in the LGBTQ community on campus.  The network is working with the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Campus Committee to be a resource for all staff, to review and report on staff concerns and questions, and to help foster continued development and visibility.

    • Galway: NUI Galway, Bród Society – LGBTQ+ Student Society- NUI Galway's LGBTQ Society. Aims to provide a forum for all university students and staff interested in taking part in LGBTQA+ education campaigns, film screenings and social events. All are welcome to come along.

Political/Social Environment

Resources assessing queer- and trans-friendliness in your country

  • Northern Ireland: Love Equality NI- A campaign led by a consortium of organizations within Northern Ireland who are campaigning for the introduction of legislation in Northern Ireland for equal civil marriage for same sex couples. Love Equality is a consortium of Amnesty International Northern Ireland, The Rainbow Project, Irish Congress of Trade Unions Northern Ireland, Here NI, Cara-Friend and NUS-USI.

  • Galway: AMACH! LGBT Galway- Aims to reflect equally the diversity within the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community by encouraging positive participation from the community; actively advocates to achieve a solid and safe support structure for the LGBTQ community in Galway, aims to provide awareness, educational and training events and workshops, and endeavors to support and promote a socially inclusive society.

  • This Is Me – Transgender Healthcare Campaign Ireland- The #ThisIsMe campaign is a grassroots campaign demanding adequate, safe and best practice access to healthcare for all transgender and non binary people in Ireland. This Is Me has been working tirelessly to improve the access to, and standard of healthcare provided to transgender and non-binary people since 2018.

  • InterAct: Advocates for Intersex Youth- interACT uses innovative legal and other strategies, to advocate for the human rights of children born with intersex traits. Maintains list of global intersex support groups. Carries on work of Intersex society of North America.

  • Support Groups & Resource Centers

    • The Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN)- AVEN  host the world’s largest asexual community, serving as an informational resource for people who are asexual and questioning, their friends and families, academic researchers and the press. AVEN members throughout the world regularly engage in visibility projects, included but not limited to distributing informational pamphlets, leading workshops, arranging local meetups and speaking to interested press. The AVEN community centers around the web forum, which provides a safe space for asexual and questioning people and their partners, friends and families to discuss their experiences.

    • The Outhouse- LGBTQ community and resource centre in Dublin.

    • Mayo/West of Ireland: OutWest- A voluntary social and support group for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people in the West of Ireland.

    • Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI)- supports the rights of trans people and their families and provide support services.

    • Shout Out! - ShoutOut is a registered charity committed to improving life for LGBTQ people by sharing personal stories and educating school students, parents and guardians, teachers, youth workers and workplaces on LGBTQ issues. 

    • LOOK (Loving Our Out Kids)- Supporting parents who have LGBTQ children.

    • Greenbow LGBT Deaf Group- an organisation run for the benefit of all Deaf LGBT adults all over Ireland.

    • Cork: Gender Rebels Cork- Advocates for and supports all transgender, non-binary, intersex and gender non-conforming individuals.

    • Ireland Trans Support Alliance (ITSA)- A national support organization for adults who identify as Trans, Non-binary, Gender Non-conforming, or are questioning their gender identity.


Laws that are accepting or discriminatory and legal resources specifically for LGBTQ persons



Medical resources for LGBTQ persons in your community (special clinics, testing, treatment, pharmacies, etc.)

  • BeLonGTo Youth Services -  Since 2003, BeLonGTo has worked with LGBTQ young people, between 14 and 23 years, to create a world where they are equal, safe, and valued in the diversity of their identities and experiences. They also advocate and campaign on behalf of young LGBTQ people, and offer a specialized LGBTQ youth service with a focus on mental and sexual health, alongside drug and alcohol support. They respond to the needs of LGBTQ young people in Ireland and we help them thrive.

  • LGBT Ireland- Their LGBTQ Helpline is a non-judgmental and confidential service providing listening, support and information to LGBTQ people, their family and friends, and to those who are questioning if they might be LGBTQ. Also instant messaging, peer support groups and database of local supports.

  • Galway/West of Ireland: Sexual Health West (formerly AIDS West)- Sexual Health West is a charity which provides a safe and welcoming environment for everyone with whom it works. Office is based in Galway.


How to include trans/gender-nonbinary people in conversations in your country’s language(s)

Race & Ethnicity

  • LGBT Pavee Support Group (for LGBTQ Travelers and Roma)

    • Services include:

      • Unite those of any age and gender who identify as being LGBTQ, especially within the Travelling and Roma community.

      • Provide support for those questioning their sexuality.

      • Provide impartial and up-to-date information on LGBTQ issues from as diverse a point of view as possible.

      • Facilitate discussions via the upcoming forum of issues affecting the LGBTQ community.

      • Provide a platform from which Roma and Traveller LGBTQ persons can express their views publicly.

      • Maintain an environment of safety, fairness and freedom of expression.

    • Contact Form

Religion & Spirituality

Special thanks to our partners at the Fulbright Ireland Commission and the Irish Fulbright Alumni Association for their contributions to this page.