Social events, entertainment, bars, festivals, cafes, bookstores, etc.
The best community event is the weekly Amirovka get-together at a local hotel. Happens every Friday evening. Join this Facebook group if interested.
Bar, snacks, board games, conversation, resources (HIV tests, condoms, pamphlets, etc)
People frequently go out to clubs or parties afterward, if any queer or queer-aligned events are happening (usually around midnight in these cases)
“The biggest disappointment I felt with this event is: I have asked many gay acquaintances to come and almost all declined: They’re either scared or ashamed or unsure of their own identity.” (Fulbrighter ‘18–‘19)
Political/Social Environment
Resources assessing queer- and trans-friendliness in your country
“Many non-queer youth seem genuinely curious about queer life and culture [in the US]. I’ve witnessed very little hostility from them. One acquaintance from a bar even wrote this piece about me for his employer, a local media outlet. It covers my thoughts on the LGBT community. With that said, I would never feel comfortable displaying any PDA with another man in public, even though this is something young local straight couples frequently engage in.” (Fulbrighter ‘18–‘19)
Laws that are accepting or discriminatory and legal resources specifically for LGBTQ persons
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Medical resources for LGBTQ persons in your community (special clinics, testing, treatment, pharmacies, etc.)
“There are clinics, including one that provides free tests for ‘at-risk’ populations (MSM, prostitutes, drug users), but to be honest, I don’t trust them. I don’t trust that the needles will be new (see: 2006 Shymkent HIV scandal), I don’t trust that I will get the comprehensive testing I’m used to, and I can’t trust that a public doctor will even be competent. Recommendation: Get tested right before you come and in the States if you go home for winter break. If you go to a hospital here, get list of recommended hospitals from US Consulate.” (Fulbrighter ‘18–‘19)
Podcasts, literature, movies, music, etc.
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How to include trans/gender-nonbinary people in conversations in your country’s language(s)
“Russian is notorious for [its gendered pronouns]. I have met no nonbinary individuals here, though I know they exist. Kazakh, in contrast, has no gendered pronouns, but unfortunately gender roles are even more conservatively defined in Kazakh culture vs Russian culture.” (Fulbrighter ‘18–‘19)
Race & Ethnicity
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Religion & Spirituality
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