

Social events, entertainment, bars, festivals, cafes, bookstores, etc.

Political/Social Environment

Resources assessing queer- and trans-friendliness in your country

  • “In 2017, the Taiwan Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional for same-sex couples to be unable to marry and gave the Legislative Yuan a two-year deadline to enact corrective legislation. Initially, we were overjoyed to be on track to be the first country in Asia with same-sex marriage. Over the past two years, however, many wealthy conservative Christian groups have organized to lobby and petition the government in order to prevent full equality legislation and enact bare-minimum, discriminatory laws. In 2018, they successfully passed two referendums: one that prevents the Legislative Yuan from amending the existing civil code to use inclusive language (a change of man/woman to two parties) and only permits the passage of a specialized law for same-sex couples and another that removes the protection of ‘LGBT education’ in schools. These groups are currently working to eliminate as many rights as possible from the proposed specialized law drafts, including the ability to adopt, the ability for Taiwanese-foreigner couples to marry, inheritance rights, protected medical rights, etc. This summary is unable to represent the most updated information as this is currently under debate. 

    “The pain and anxiety that the LGBTQ community in Taiwan has endured over the past two years is immense. The LGBTQ community, though full of many passionate volunteers, simply cannot compete with the monetary resources of the opposition. Currently, the conservative Christian groups hold extensive power due to their resources despite only comprising 5% of the population. They are able to buy extensive advertisements, buy transportation for entire congregations to attend protests in Taipei, attend protests and hearings during work hours, and offer free abstinence-only sex education lectures for schools. Though their monetary influence on politicians is unclear, there are a number of politicians who clearly align with these conservative groups and thus appoint them to positions of power such as the gender equity education board, despite their lack of background in education or gender studies. The highly promulgated hateful language and blatant lies employed by these conservative Christian groups have proven that the LGBTQ community in Taiwan still faces wide discrimination.” (Fulbrighter ‘18–‘19)


Laws that are accepting or discriminatory and legal resources specifically for LGBTQ persons



Medical resources for LGBTQ persons in your community (special clinics, testing, treatment, pharmacies, etc.)

  • Jung Shiao Shing Fu OBS & GYN (No. 4, 5th floor, No. 128 Jung Shiao East Rd., Sec. 4, Taipei City) (phone: 02-2776-2222)

  • 傳家診所, Pass On Family Medical Clinic (No. 265, Yucheng Road, Zuoying District, Kaohsiung City, 813)

    • Not specifically for LGBTQ community, but Dr. Li Chia-Yan has a degree in gender studies and is very supportive. Please note she is not the only doctor at this clinic. 

  • Queer Center did anonymous HIV testing in past and Tongzhi Hotline has brochures/resources


Podcasts, literature, movies, music, etc.

  • The community mostly follows western pop culture 

  • Crystal Boys by Pat Hsien-yung (1983)

  • Notes of a Crocodile by Qiu Miaojin (1994)


How to include trans/gender-nonbinary people in conversations in your country’s language(s)

  • Trans = 跨性別

  • Queer = 酷兒

  • The pronoun for he/she sounds the same orally

Race & Ethnicity

Religion & Spirituality